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Pipeline Data Warehousing Solutions

Pipeline Data Warehousing with Centralized Asset Performance Management (APM) Software

PCMS Pipeline Integrity
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2017 06 23 13 35 13

Once data is acquired and reported, the challenge is then developing a plan on how to organize and manage this data. MISTRAS’ Plant Condition Management Software (PCMS™) is an industry-leading solution for effective data organization and easy data access.

Data warehousing is an essential aspect of pipeline inspection data management. For the midstream industry today, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s (PHMSA) “mega rule” has made having data accessible in a “reliable, verifiable, traceable, and complete” fashion necessary for operators.

Having an asset performance management (APM) application for centralizing and warehousing data for peak retrieval and accessibility allows data to be stored properly. This rule and increased guidelines on inspection data require reports to be accessed quickly. With MISTRAS Group and member-brands New Century Software™, Integrity Plus™, and Onstream’s integrated pipeline data integrity approach helping to leave paper in the past, data warehousing makes storage and management easier than ever.

Plant Condition Management Software (PCMS®)

PCMS is a widely-used and trusted platform that stores data from mobile and digital reporting, eliminating the use of spreadsheets and paperwork to store information as well as the tedious filing away of physical reports in endless file cabinets. With an integrated platform, mechanical integrity (MI) data is available anytime to help guide in inspection and maintenance planning, corrosion analysis, inspection tracking, and more. 

The database offers the very best in management for inspection data. The program features a host of tools to organize, link, and synchronize information for accessible data retrieval from years of multiple different data sets. PCMS' Corrosion Management module has been a staple of the platform, allowing calculation of average rates of corrosion, evaluation of corrosion circuit data, flagging of anomalies in corrosion calculations, and much more.

With all essential assets from across multiple facilities being monitored on one interface, PCMS greatly minimizes the stress of facility and operational oversight.

Learn more about the wealth of value PCMS provides.

Consolidated Reports for Inline Inspection (ILI)

MISTRAS member-brand Onsteam’s efforts to improve data warehousing have allowed for consolidated data reports to make storage easier.

Tethered inline inspection (ILI) services from multiple bell holes typically have resulted in several sets of large data files that are overwhelming and ineffective for storage and analysis. Through advances in magnetic flux leakage (MFL), caliper, and inertial mapping capabilities, engineering efforts have developed a new method for combining multiple data sets into a single live set of data.

These advances were developed through intensive software engineering upon looking to improve our customer experience. Streamlined data reports greatly increase uptime and save resources with more effective reviewing of pipeline condition.

Learn more about how we optimize ILI data from multiple runs for easy analysis.

Facility Manager Software and Services

For a geographic information system (GIS), New Century Software’s Facility Manager pipeline data management application keeps spatial and tabular data in sync. This synchronization improves data accuracy and allows for centerline maintenance with tools from the application. It allows data editing, filtering options, and for users to upload data in bulk. One data is paced in the application, information within data can be quickly located by individual events or work orders.

Learn more about Facility Manager for improving pipeline and centerline data.

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