
Corrosion Inspection
ART Crawler
Find Value for the Long Run

Rapid Large-Scale CUI Screening Services
Automated Radiographic Testing (ART) Crawler

Non-Invasive Robotic Corrosion Inspection Technology for Piping & Pipelines

Speak to an expert about the innovative ART Crawler service.

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Strategically Target Your CUI Resources

Non-Invasive Icon


Screen in-service piping & pipelines without the need for insulation removal

Targeted Icon


Target your inspection & maintenance resources to only the areas that need them

High-Tech Icon


Technology-driven services that reduce scheduled inspections and maximize uptime

Rapid in-service piping and pipeline screening enables a more efficient inspection process

ART Crawler - Pipeline Screening

ART Crawler services help you target your inspection and maintenance resources more effectively

ART Crawler Scanning Range

Conduct large-scale CUI screening services in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods

ART Crawler - Canada Cold Lake Slope

Detect Corrosion Before It Turns Costly

Shutting down in-service lines and stripping insulation and coating before starting a traditional inspection is an inefficient allocation of money and resources for inspection and integrity managers.

MISTRAS’ ART Crawler services utilize digital radiography (DR) to inspect for internal corrosion and CUI in your insulated and uninsulated aboveground piping and pipeline assets. These services help to reduce and/or eliminate the need to remove product or insulation from the lines.

The ART Crawler delivers key efficiencies to your operations by:

  • Targeting maintenance resources to damaged pipe sections
  • Maintaining uptime by keeping in-service lines operational
  • Optimizing inspection schedules and enhancing safety

Get the eGuide to learn more about the ART Crawler services and other CUI inspection technologies and best practices.

* Based on MISTRAS Group's internal assessments and analyses, and may not be validated by third parties or customers.