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Special Emphasis Programs

Value-Added Integrated Asset Protection Programs

CUI Inspection
AutoCAD Link
HTHA Inspection

MISTRAS’ proceduralized special emphasis programs use our asset protection expertise to target the unique, uncommon, hazardous, and costly damages that risk the integrity of your assets and facility.

Not all corrosion and cracking damage are created equal.

Equipment profile, accessibility, operating conditions, and countless other factors can make the detection, assessment, and management of certain kinds of damages far more complicated than others.

For example, external corrosion on an easily-accessed storage tank component is cause for concern, but that concern is significantly multiplied when corrosion affects an insulated run of piping hundreds of feet in the air. The same goes for HTHA, or High Temperature Hydrogen Attack: when HTHA affects assets in high temperatures, it can spread extremely rapidly.

MISTRAS offers value-added, integrated asset protection programs to target defects and initiatives that require special emphasis, including:

We integrate expertise in non-destructive testing (NDT) inspection, engineering, maintenance, access, and data management to develop and execute custom-tailored asset protection programs.

By compiling this expertise into customized programs, MISTRAS technicians can target certain faults to detect, combat, repair, and prevent future degradation. Our special emphasis programs help facilities detect hidden flaws, mitigate defects, and avoid the costly and hazardous risk of equipment shutdown and failure. With advanced engineering and inspection experience, MISTRAS technicians can develop a program for your facility encompassing every step of the inspection process, including:

  • Preliminary Assessment & Analysis
  • Inspection Planning
  • Inspection Execution
  • Maintenance and Repair Services
  • At-Height and Confined Space Access Services
  • Follow-Up Inspection
  • Data Analysis & Reporting
  • Prevention Recommendations

Our wide array of available NDT techniques makes inspection of your assets fast, accurate, and efficient, so your facility can operate at its optimal capacity without wasting time, money, or resources.

With advanced access capabilities – including drones, rope access, and diving – our technicians can service all assets, regardless of environment, location, or position.

MISTRAS personnel are trained, certified, and backed by years of industry experience, working with your facility to make sure that your assets remain in regulatory compliance, and that defects and damage are quickly identified, repaired, and prevented.

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