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Lab Testing

Materials Testing, Composition Identification, and Failure Analysis Services

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Failure Analysis Chemical Testing (2)
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Mechanical Testing Hardness Test
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Mechanical Testing Impact Test

MISTRAS’ materials testing services help our clients determine the most appropriate material for their end-use specifications, and ensure materials will operate safely and effectively throughout their intended lifespans.

With the vast variety of metals, alloys, polymers, ceramics, and other materials available to manufacturers, it is imperative that you are aware of the strengths and limitations of each material.

Certain materials operate more effectively in high-temperature environments, while others prove more aerodynamic under high stress. You need to know how materials can be expected to operate safely and efficiently, and whether they conform to customer and industry codes and standards.

Testing these materials requires expertise. MISTRAS combines a wide range of testing services with experience in materials selection and engineering to answer these questions and more, providing you a wealth of information on your material’s properties and potential defects, including:

  • Composition
  • Corrosion
  • Cracking
  • Hardness
  • Manufacturing Flaws
  • Residual Strength
  • Temperature Resistance & Reactivity
  • Thickness
  • Weight

MISTRAS is equipped to handle materials testing requests on an as needed basis, or as part of a recurring materials testing and inspection program. We offer these solutions for customers in multiple industries, including:

MISTRAS holds approvals from a long list of some of the largest aerospace prime manufacturers in the world, including Airbus, Boeing, Safran, Bombardier, Pratt & Whitney, Honeywell, and more. We offer many of our materials testing services on a recurring basis to these customers, with the ability to integrate into their supply chains to centralize multiple inspection, testing, machining, and finishing services out of a single facility.

Primarily Metallographic Procedures Materials Testing for Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

Materials testing is part of our Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) programs, through which we help to ensure that products both meet customer and regulatory requirements and end-use specifications.

MISTRAS applies a variety of non-destructive testing (NDT), destructive testing (DT), and metallurgical testing to assure manufacturers that materials are fit-for-purpose for their intended use.

Our materials testing capabilities include:

  • Damage Examination
  • Destructive Testing (DT)
  • Determination of Purity, Grain Size, Porosity, and Structure
  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
  • Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
  • Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
  • Failure Analysis
  • Fiber Volumetric Content Determination
  • Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy
  • High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
  • Micrography/Macrography
  • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
  • Positive Material Identification (PMI)
  • Reflected and Transmitted Light Microscopy
  • Resistance Against Inter-Crystalline and Pitting Corrosion
  • Spectral Analysis
  • Wet Chemical Analysis
  • Fracture Analysis

Primarily Metallographic Procedures

Metallographic Procedures encompass all testing methods that prepare metallographic materials and procedures that involve the study of the metal microstructure. Beyond just metals, metallographic procedures can also encompass ceramography, plastography, and materialography. Metallographic procedures include sectioning & cutting, mounting, grinding, polishing, etching, analysis, illumination, hardness testing, and more.

Metallographic procedures and all of the offered tests help our clients to predict the ways in which a material can be expected to fail, and to take preventative measures (such as applying corrosion-resistant coatings) to ensure safe operations.

Fracture Analysis

Fracture Analysis is a post-processing function that determines which conditions will cause cracks in metals to grow and potentially lead to failure. This is used to solve breakage issues, as the analysis provides information on the origin of damage and tensile stress. Models of crack propagation undergo a stress analysis test and parameters of defects are defined.

Fracture Analysis services give great insight into what caused a failure. The details of defects are analyzed and reviewed and used to prevent further failures and make improvements. Analyzing the cause of damage is the first step in correcting and mitigating the damage from occurring in the future.

Creep and Fatigue Testing

The Creep Fatigue Test Module (CFTM) uses three parallel testing machines that are mounted to a frame to apply forces to material, causing damage and deformities. Creep fatigue experiments ultimately discover the property data for damage condition analysis of high-temperature structures.

MISTRAS Creep Fatigue Testing pushes components to failure for performance indications. Our heavy duty equipment to conduct creep and fatigue testing can withstand extremely high temperatures for optimal testing.


MISTRAS is certified by industry organizations and by large manufacturers to perform inspection, testing, and cleaning on newly-fabricated metal and alloy components. Our technicians perform multiple services to ensure quality assurance of components along with observing reactions to a range of temperature, humidity, and vibration conditions. Componentry defects can be detected and prevented before they lead to costly failure.

MISTRAS component services emphasize quality and accuracy to ensure the integrity of all your critical parts. Learn more about our Component services.


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