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Hardness Testing

Vickers Hardness Testing

Hardness Testing (HT) Services

Vickers Hardness Testing

Hardness testing services from MISTRAS allow component materials to be accurately and efficiently evaluated for hardness, indicating how long components will last while in use and how susceptible they are to stress.

Hardness testing is utilized on component materials to determine how effectively the material resists indentation, providing insight into how it will perform over time. This form of destructive testing shows how materials are affected by stress and how components will wear once performing in their intended use. The results of this test can be used to direct quality control and acceptance of components, along with providing data regarding the structural integrity and material composition of an asset.

MISTRAS offers several different types of hardness tests, including:

  • Rockwell
  • Brinell
  • Vickers
  • Equotip
  • Microdur

Performed in-house by our dedicated team of technicians, these specific testing methods can be applied to a variety of materials and equipment including castings, forgings, and other metals along with surface coatings and treatments.

Rockwell Hardness Testing Services

The Rockwell Hardness Test is one of the simplest and most cost-effective HT techniques. It measures the depth of penetration of an indenter under a large load, compared to the penetration made by a preload. The permanent deformation caused by the larger load offers information on the material's hardness.

As the most common hardness testing method used, Rockwell tests use comparison to determine hardness. It is relatively easier to conduct compared to other tests and produces accurate results. Rockwell is not used on materials with too much variation on the surface or with an unorthodox sample size/shape.

Brinell Hardness Testing Services

The Brinell Hardness Test involves the application of a pre-determined test load to a fixed diameter carbide ball and the measurement of the subsequent impression with a Brinell microscope. Most commonly, it is used to test materials that have coarse structures or rough surfaces.

Brinell testing is primarily used for castings, forgings, and other rough materials. The measurement of the indentation, the ball in which a force is applied, and the force load itself are all necessary to determine the Brinell result and ultimately the hardness of the material.

Vickers Hardness Testing Services

The Vickers Hardness (HV) is calculated by measuring the diagonal lengths of an indent left by introducing a diamond pyramid indenter with a given load into the specimen material. The Vickers test creates a very small indentation, so it is often used to measure microstructures in small parts or thin sections.

The Vickers test is one of the most versatile testing methods, used on all types of metals. It differentiates itself from other forms of hardness testing due to a simplified formula calculation and its wide scale.

Equotip Hardness Testing Services

The Equotip is an impact device that fires an impact body containing a permanent magnet and the very hard indenter sphere itself towards the surface of the test material. The velocity of the impact body is recorded in test phases to determine hardness.

This Equotip testing method is a portable solution that uses kinetic energy to evaluate material hardness. Kinetic energy is lost when the impact from Equotip firing deforms the surface of the material. The measurements of velocities are conducted with an induction voltage.

Microdur Hardness Testing Services

The Microdur is a mobile hardness tester using the Ultrasonic Contact Impedance (UCI) method of measurement, which enables rapid, simple hardness measurements: apply the probe and read off the test data.

The Microdur device is ideal for quick and efficient handheld hardness testing. Materials are measured rapidly, and results are displayed on a digital screen promptly. In contrast to other methods, no microscopes or additional tools are necessary to receive values. Different measurement probes can be used for smooth or coarse surfaces, expanding the Microdur’s usage.

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