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Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)

Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Program Implementation and Management Services

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MISTRAS' Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) programs help you prioritize maintenance plans to focus on the assets that are most critical to your operations.

Not all equipment failures are created equal. Damages to one relatively-isolated stretch of piping may not materially affect operations throughout the rest of the facility, but full-scale failure of a large gas turbine can have disastrous, plant-wide consequences in terms of safety and productivity.

MISTRAS’ Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) inspection and engineering services and programs seek to help you identify the assets that are most critical to your plant’s operations, the myriad ways in which they can fail, and the consequences of those failures.

By defining the probability and consequence of failure (PoF/CoF) for each of your assets, we enable you to prioritize maintenance on the assets that matter most.

A few of our RCM approaches include:

  • Asset Criticality
  • Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Reporting
  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Root Cause Analysis

Similar to the way risk-based inspection (RBI) programs enables facility maintenance management personnel to optimize inspection plans, RCM is used to focus maintenance plans on strategies that provide the highest economic value.

In designing and implementing RCM programs, MISTRAS consultants review existing programs and provide new procedures where necessary to improve overall RCM program effectiveness.

MISTRAS’ RCM programs are particularly effective for customers that utilize MISTRAS’ Plant Condition Management System (PCMS), which offers a full library of rotating equipment failures containing hundreds of equipment types and thousands of failure mechanisms and predictive maintenance (PdM) tasks.

Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Failure Modes & Analysis (FMEA) assessments help to identify all the potential ways in which an asset can fail, particularly in regards to rotating equipment. MISTRAS uses FMEA assessments to anticipate expected damage mechanisms prior to asset failure, determine Probability of Failure (PoF) and Consequence of Failure (CoF), and determine the root causes and solutions for thousands of equipment problems.

The key to a high-quality RCM program is understanding assets’ potential damages and how they can affect other areas of a plant.

MISTRAS’ expert engineering consultants have decades of experience operating in all areas of our clients’ plants, and we can provide support in defining asset criticality and prioritizing maintenance tasks.

MISTRAS performs Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) as part of an asset’s risk assessment. In an FMEA, all equipment components are measured against similar products and processes elsewhere in PCMS' equipment library.

PCMS provides FMEA tables to analyze thousands of potential problems, keeping facility operators informed about when maintenance is necessary, consequences of failure, and recommended actions to mitigate risks.

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