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Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) Calculators

Embedded RBI Calculators in PCMS

Screenshot of RBI Calculations

A key part of the Plant Condition Management System (PCMS) is a fully-integrated Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) Module within the program, which supports quantitative, semi-quantitative, qualitative, and imported RBI) data.

Design, operating, and inspection data from PCMS continually feed into the RBI calculator, providing a truly evergreen approach to RBI management.

PCMS' embedded RBI calculators enables PCMS users to risk rank equipment, prioritize inspection and maintenance tasks, identify potential damage mechanisms, and recommend the appropriate inspection procedures.

Semi-Quantitative and Quantitative RBI Calculators

The PCMS Semi-Quantitative RBI Calculator has been developed by combining the PCMS RBI Subcommittee’s expertise with base models and theories from multiple industry organizations and best practices, including:

  • API 580 - Risk Based Inspection
  • API RP 581 – Recommended Practice for Risk Based Inspection Technology
  • RIMAP Petrochemicals (Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance for European Industries)

With the integrated Semi-Quantitative RBI Calculator, users can maintain inspection data and perform RBI analysis all within one software program. It automatically identifies susceptible damage mechanisms and consequences per circuit. Inspection plans are automatically created, identifying potential damage mechanisms and recommending inspection techniques.

From all of this, an RBI target date is generated, based off of risk thresholds, to aid in the inspection planning process. The Semi-Quantitative RBI Calculator also performs a “what-if” analysis based on inspection effectiveness applied with custom risk matrix dimensions and parameters.

The API 581 quantitative RBI calculator integrates directly into PCMS, and calculations can be run in the background of PCMS processes, with no need to interrupt typical user operations.

Features and benefits of the quantitative PCMS RBI Calculators include:
  • Maintain inspection data and perform RBI analysis all within one software program.
  • Supports API 580/581 guidelines with input from industry experts and PCMS user group subcommittee enhancements.
  • Fully-embedded inside PCMS to promote a true "evergreen" implementation.
  • Automatically identify susceptible damage mechanisms and consequences per circuit.
  • Automatically creates inspection plans identifying potential damage mechanisms, and recommends most effective inspection techniques.
  • Generates RBI target dates based upon risk thresholds to aid the inspection planning process.
  • Customized risk matrix dimensions and parameters

PCMS Embedded Qualitative RBI Calculator

PCMS also offers a Qualitative RBI Calculator for users that prefer this form of RBI methodology.

Damage mechanisms, consequences, and overall risk rank can be assigned to each equipment or corrosion circuit in the program. Damage mechanism inspection intervals, as well as inspection procedures and techniques, can be configured per risk rank and used in inspection scheduling analysis as well as the inspection execution.

As illustrated by their names, the Semi-Quantitative RBI Calculator takes a more data-intensive approach, while the Qualitative RBI Calculator is a relative risk-ranking that does not calculate probability of failure (PoF) or consequence of failure (CoF).

No matter which RBI Calculator a user chooses, updates to any damage mechanism in the program will seamlessly update any future inspection schedule.

Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) Qualitative RBI

PCMS also incorporates a newly-developed qualitative RBI approach for pressure relief valves (PRVs), which uses a series of questions to rank probability and consequences of failures, taking into account key PRV risk drivers, including:

  • Overpressure scenarios and frequency
  • Potential overpressure of a protected component
  • Protected fluid consequence assessment (hazardous, toxic fluids)
  • Prior PRV pop test performance

Imported 3rd-Party RBI

If the user prefers to perform RBI analysis outside of PCMS (3rd-Party RBI Tool), PCMS can integrate these results directly in the program through use of the RBI Integrator.

Users can also export any PCMS data needed to perform RBI outside of the program (design, operation, inspection grades, corrosion rates, etc.).

The RBI Integrator will allow the user to perform proper RBI analysis using actual inspection data maintained in PCMS, while providing a central platform to continue to schedule, record, and analyze asset integrity from within one application.

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