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Data Management

Inspection Data Management Services & Software

PCMS Consequence Category
PCMS Pipeline Integrity

MISTRAS Group offers comprehensive data management capabilities to seamlessly streamline the organization, analysis, and storage of your inspection and integrity data.

Refineries, manufacturing plants, petrochemical plants and other process plants have mountains of data available to them. Every asset within a plant – every valve, stretch of piping, tank, vessel, and every individual component that’s used to construct them – has previous inspection reports, installation and replacement dates, fitness-for-services (FFS) assessments, and a multitude of other data tied to it.

It is crucial for plant executives, operators, and maintenance personnel to have easy and effective access to this information, in order to make the most informed maintenance decisions to keep a plant, its personnel, and the environment safe.

That process starts with effective data management.

MISTRAS assists our clients across the process industries with inputting, maintaining, and reaping value out of smart and efficient data management processes.

A highly-functioning data management system allows your plant to optimize its processes, expanding insights to both increase production and cut costs. Storing, organizing, and analyzing data and mechanical integrity information about your equipment helps you improve your asset management and streamline decision-making.

This process starts at the very beginning of a plant’s existence, where MISTRAS helps our clients established data management infrastructure and processes. We also help clients with existing operations to modify and optimize their data management systems in accordance with industry-best practices.

Plant Condition Management Software (PCMS®)

MISTRAS’ Plant Condition Management Software (PCMS®) is an industry-leading inspection database management software (IDMS) that centralizes inspection and mechanical integrity (MI) data for refineries, process plants, and pipelines.

PCMS stores, organizes, and analyzes MI information from all of an organization’s facilities and equipment, and it links that information across any technology platform, as it offers full functionality on mobile phones, tablets, and computers.

PCMS offers site-level metrics where it stores and analyzes inspection and MI data for all assets within an individual facility. It’s also capable of performing enterprise-level data management, housing all of an organizations inspection data across multiple facilities and providing integrated metrics that tell your company’s data story.

MISTRAS’ PCMS data management capabilities encompass applications such as:

Inspection Planning and Execution Go Digital with PCMS® Mobile

MISTRAS’ Plant Condition Management Software (PCMS®) has deployed PCMS Mobile, the first fully integrated all-in-one Asset Integrity Management Service (AIMS)/Mobile digitalized reporting solution that exclusively enables integrated reporting capabilities into the PCMS platform.

This unique tool gives you access to critical mechanical integrity (MI) data anytime, anywhere, at your convenience. The platform enables users to collect field data on mobile devices (auto-synchronized with the PCMS configuration of checklists and picklists), and automatically upload inspection results, field photos, and reports back into PCMS.

Click to learn more about PCMS® Mobile .

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