Under the auspices of the Seventh Framework Program of the European Community (2007-2013), "Activity Energy.2: Renewable Electricity Generation, Area Energy.2.3: WIND", MISTRAS Group Hellas was participating as a beneficiary in the project: "NIMO: Development and Demonstration of a Novel Integrated Condition Monitoring System for Wind Turbines (2009-2012)".
NIMO advanced existing state-of-the-art condition monitoring technology used in wind turbines applications, by delivering an advanced system that integrated prototype Acoustic Emission (AE), High Frequency Vibration (HFVA) and Alternating Current Stress Measurement (ACSM), capable of reliably evaluating the condition of critical structural components, rotating parts and braking mechanisms.
MISTRAS Group Hellas contributed to the development of the prototype AE module for the SHM of wind turbine blades.
AE Data analysis through NOESIS software. Correlation of AE activity with rotor speed.