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Pascagoula, MS - USA

Field Services Branch

Pascagoula, MS - USA

Field Services Branch

+1 (228) 934-7261

250 chevron Way
Pascagoula, MS 39581
United States (US)

+1 (228) 934-7261

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Pascagoula, MS - USA Overview

MISTRAS Group's field services branch in Pascagoula, MS - USA provides general non-destructive examination (NDE) services including: Phased Array Ultrasonic (PAUT), Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT), Computed Radiography (CR), Conventional Radiography (RT), Eddy Current Testing (ET), Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), and Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT). Our inspection Services include API 510 and API 570, and Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI). We are capable of accessing restricted, at-height assets utilizing Rope Access (R/A), Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAV) &, Borescope technologies.

Pascagoula, MS - USA Industries

Pascagoula, MS - USA Applications

Corrosion & Erosion

Build-up and deterioration from natural and operational causes


Physical reactions to stress and operating environments


Residual stress from loads, temperature, and other factors


Structural, mechanical, and electrical


Defects in newly-manufactured components


Gas, liquid, and steam leaks in operating equipment

Pascagoula, MS - USA Key Contacts

Monty Wiggins

General Manager

1 (228) 217-9116

Adam Litke

Operations Manager

1 (228) 313-2730

Theron Shoemaker

Quality Manager/NDE Level III

1 (850) 525-3604

Wesley Knowles

Radiation Safety Officer

1 (251) 422-5925

Kim Slater

Safety Manager

1 (228) 327-4312

Pascagoula, MS - USA Request a Quote